Personal development of your Genius-type

Course duration: 7h 30m
Last updated:November 23, 2023

Course information

Personal development of your Genius-type

It is a program designed for self-knowledge through your talent.

When you recognize your innate gifts and abilities, you begin to have more self-confidence and face life decisions with more confidence.

That is why, in this program, I propose an intimate and personal journey of introspection to learn how to manage your emotional world and place talent at the center of your life.
and, if you want to, live from it.

Awaken your inner genius in 8 weeks.

What is Genius-typing?

It is the only tool that exists to know the capabilities of your talent based on the data of the psychometric test that more than 25,000 people have taken.

It allows you to know the kind of genius you have inside you and from there, discover your life purpose.

Recognizing and developing your talent is a source of self-knowledge and abundance.

What is genotyping for?

To free the genius within you.

That means you tap into your potential and your innate gifts.
When this happens, you are able to break through limitations and beliefs that hold you back from happiness.
You become a person who generates personal and professional abundance without sacrificing your health, relationships or lifestyle.

Do any of these statements sound familiar?

  • I don’t know what my true talent is
  • I don’t know what I really like
  • I don’t know how to make a living from what I am passionate about
  • I feel that I am missing something to be happy
  • I don’t know what my mission in life is
  • I like too many things, but I’m not passionate about anything.
  • I need a change in my life
  • I feel lost

If you felt identified with any of them, don’t worry, it happens to many people.
What is happening is that you have not yet unleashed the genius in you.
You are in the right place to solve it.

This is what you will get when you release your inner genius:

  • Break the blocks that prevent you from living what you are passionate about.
  • Make decisions more firmly.
  • Achieve goals and objectives that until now you did not see yourself capable of overcoming.
  • Overcome and understand why they feel distressed.
  • Shine so bright that it will be impossible to ignore you.
  • Empower yourself through your natural resources.
  • Increase your confidence and security.
  • Falling in love with life.
  • Understand your capabilities and develop your full potential.

Who is this program for?

Any person

  • You were born with a gift that makes you unique, what happens is that no one has taught you how to use it.
  • It doesn’t matter your current situation or your achievements.
  • I assure you that you can shine as much as you want.
  • And if you are now thinking something like:
  • “No, I don’t have any gifts.”
  • “I’ve never been particularly good at anything.”
  • “I won’t be able to…”
  • Let me tell you, it’s your false beliefs talking.
  • If you think so, you of all people should start this program now.

In fact, the first part is 100% focused on helping you to believe in yourself by increasing your self-esteem.

Course Content

IVA incluido

Directed by

Materials Included

  • 6 modules with 36 online seminars.
  • 4 live sessions.
  • 2 Masterclass (Emilio Carrillo and Francesc Miralles).
  • Exclusive meditations composed only for this program with binaural sound.
  • Workbooks in all modules.
  • Roadmap to facilitate your success.
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